What is Affiliate Marketing? .. and what it means for you! :)

Affiliate Marketing is basically a fancy name for a referral program with the added incentive of earning commissions!

You simply promote a product or service and receive a percentage of the sale if the person you referred buys!!

It's pretty great!

Introducing The Subconscious Healing Academy Affiliate Program

I have always dreamt of making this membership even better than it already is (and it is pretty amazing) by helping YOU make a some nice additional income!

Let's be real, I don't imagine people quitting their job or anything with this but if you can pay a bill or pay for a night out just by clicking a few buttons then that's great isn't it!

I make NO CLAIMS as to what you might earn as an affiliate with us!

But this is how it works..

All you have to do is find people who are:

  1. in need of some help healing their mind and emotions
  2. are a good fit for the Academy (it's not for everyone)

That's it!

Can you think of anyone who needs a little help with their wellbeing?

If so,..

Are they the kind of person who will follow the program enough to actually see results?

If so,...

Simply have a chat with them about us and send your special 'affiliate link' for them to sign up with and you will get between 25% (public) and 50% (members) commission for every month they remain a member!

How awesome is that!!

They get the help they need, I get a customer and you get paid!!!

It's a rare and genuine WIN-WIN-WIN!!

If the affiliate link part sounds a bit complicated - Don't Worry! I will show you exactly what you need to do in the next lessons and I'll also help you if you get stuck!

Complete and Continue